
BCSS Reports

  • BCSS Intro includes reports for Clients and Sales.
  • Deluxe adds reports for Disbursements, Inventory and Settlements.
  • Diamond and Virtual add reports for Buyers and Employees.
  • Virtual provides online information for vendor viewing.

The essence of the software is to record, organize, process and present ('report') information.

Literally any information displayed anywhere in the program is a 'report' which can include any information stored in the BCSS database.

Reports can be viewed onscreen in the program's main table and in 'print previews', and reports can be printed.

Possible BCSS Reports (*Available in Diamond and Virtual)

Bad Checks




Category Groups

Consignments Sold

Credit Memos

Daily Shop Totals


Dollar Volume


Hang Tags


Invoice Dates

Invoice List

Invoice Totals

Item Number

Items Sold

Last Purchase Dates


Mailing labels

Mailing List

Mall Activity Report*

Pay Methods


Price Labels

Price Range

Profit/Loss Breakdown

Quantity on Hand

Rent from Vendors


Sales on Hold


Shop Inventory Sold

Store Location*

User-Defined Text



Zip Code

The content of each report is determined by the mouse clicks and key strokes used to produce the report.

For example, clicking on an option in the Work-Areas menu (like Clients)...

...presents a list (a report) of clients in the Main Table:

Clicking on any of the time-period buttons...

...narrows the list (the report) to only those records added or edited for the time period selected. Clicking on 'Today' for example shows only records added or edited today. These buttons serve as a 'recent activity' filter, making records and information easier to find.

Details Area Reports

Every work area has a section at the bottom presenting (reporting) information about the record selected. This is the Details Area for a selected client record showing account information:

Clicking on the colored buttons:

...displays other information about the selected record. For example, clicking on the General tab displays contact information for the person selected:

Selecting other colored buttons like Items, Notes or Settlements would present (report) information about the client's items, notes about the person and settlements processed.

Quick Links

Each Work Area...

...has Quick Links (like these for the Clients Work Area)...

...that either produce information or perform a task.

Select a Client and use Quick Links to:

  • View account history
  • View current items (history minus settled records)
  • Transfer items to the shop's Transfer Account
  • View items sold this month
  • Print one or more copies of the pre-filled Client Agreement
  • Return items
  • View settlement history
  • Undelete items (return them to inventory)

Other Work Areas and Their Quick Links

Quick Links for the Inventory Work Area:

Item to Invoice: Select an item to add it to the sales invoice.

Other options: Apply Discounts, Batch Discounts, Choose Labels to Print, and View Current, Discounted, Added and Sold Items.

Key-Press Reports: Press a function key at the top of the keyboard to view these reports:

Report Function Key
Inventory Entered TodayF8
Today's RecapF9
Sold TodayF10
Settled TodayF11

Producing Custom Reports

Detailed reports are accessed by clicking on Reports:

Select one of the options under Reports - Clients, Disbursements, Inventory, Sales (or Buyers in Diamond and Virtual):

Choose settings to determine what information is to be included in the report.

For example, to create a list of Clients who are Active, who are on the Mailing List and who have account balances between $0 and $500, make these settings:

  1. Check 'Active Only'.
  2. Check 'On Mailing List'.
  3. Check 'Account Balance' and enter 0 and 500 in the From and To fields. (The box must be checked.)
  4. If desired choose how to sort the report.
  5. To view the report on screen in the Main Table, click on View the Report.
  6. To preview the report on screen prior to printing, click on the buttons at the bottom (which are different from one report screen to the next. For Sales Reports, click on Items Sold List or Sales Recap for additional reports.)

Reports may be printed in PDF format using a 'printer driver' for a (free) program like PDFCreator. Just select that 'printer' on the Windows Print Screen to print any report to file in PDF format (and attach the report to an email or print it out any time).

All reports for all other options function in the same way.

Popular Reports

How Much Is Owed to Clients?

  1. Choose 'Reports' then 'Clients'.
  2. Check 'Account Balance'. In the 'ranges fields' enter 0 in 'From' and some large # like 10000 in the 'Thru' field.
  3. Click on 'Print the Report' to view the amount owed, or
  4. Click on 'View the Report' to view (in the Main Table) only Clients with a balance owed. (Click View All to see all clients again.)

Total Paid to Clients - Run a disbursement report to see the amount paid to each client as a subtotal and the total amount paid for all clients for a given period of time:

  1. Click on Reports.
  2. Select Disbursements.
  3. Set the Payment-Date range and be sure to check the box:
  4. The Payment-Amount range can be set to only include payments above and below specified amounts.
  5. Click on Print the Report.
  6. On the print-preview screen, use the arrows to navigate between pages:
  7. Click on the last arrow to view the last page and total payments.