Best Consignment Software Videos

BCSS Overview Transcript

Welcome to Best Consignment Shop Software - the perfect tool for organizing consignors, inventory and your entire business. It is software for contact and inventory management, sales and settlement processing and accounting all rolled into one. Consignment software saves time by automating work. Print price labels with bar codes and scan them at check out. Accept credit card payments and allow consignors to use their store credit to make purchases. Software saves time and money by accurately computing discounts, sales taxes, change due, settlements and employee commissions. Print professional agreements, sales receipts, checks and reports. Know exactly what's going on with your business every step of the way. Your customers will be impressed with your organization and efficiency. They will tell others about you and look forward to returning to your store. If you can send an email, you can easily use BCSS - at the shop and from home. You'll save lots of time, and have more time for your customers and your family. A personal assistant can help you get started and remain at your side with immediate assistance for as long as you own the software. BCSS costs less than similar programs and there are no ongoing fees. Use the free demo without cost or obligation. See for yourself that this software is right for you.

Sheet-Labels Printing

Welcome to this video on printing sheet labels using a standard ink printer and any edition of BCSS.

To configure BCSS for sheet labels click on File then Program Setup. Click on the Inventory tab. Check the boxes to select which information is to appear on labels, keeping in mind that there won't be enough room on bar-code labels and smaller labels to print all possible options. In Program Setup, click on the Printers tab. Click on the drop-down arrow and select the ink printer to be used for printing labels. If the printer isn't present in the list, install the software for the printer. Check 'Use A4 paper size' if appropriate. A4 is not used in the U.S.. Check 'Narrow' if a dot matrix printer will be used. Check this box to have barcodes printed on labels and tags. Types of Sheet Labels Sheet labels can be adhesive address labels measuring 2 5/8" by 1" with room for 3 or 4 lines. On a sheet of Avery #5160 labels there are 3 labels across and ten down. Sheet labels can also be adhesive price labels measuring 2 5/8" x 1". Without barcodes, the label can include Item ID [CannS-1] Disposal Code [re] Category [Memorabilia] Description [First?] Details [Buy?] Date In [11/26/2010] and the Discount Schedule [last line]. With barcodes in use, there is of course less room for other information. Here's a barcode label including Item ID, Description, Discount Schedule, Disposal Code and Barcode Number: This label can include the Item ID, Date In, Discount Prices, Description and Disposal Code. On a sheet of Avery #5167 labels there are 4 labels across and 20 down. Sheet labels can be 4" x 1" non-adhesive tags with a hole for hanging: Stores often use hang tags with colored borders to know how long items have been in stock. They might use blue tags for items brought in during June, green tags during July and red tags during August. If items are held for 90 days then returned, donated, destroyed or transferred to shop ownership, at the end of August (90 days) all items with blue tags would be pulled from inventory. Choosing Which Labels to Print Full page display of the Price Labels and Tags screen. Point to each topic and section as appropriate. Click on Labels on the Main Menu then the Inventory tab. Note that print position can also be adjusted by changing the values for Left and Top Margin and Row Space on the Labels Screen: Also note that if settings are saved in BCSS, view the video for turning Windows User Account Controls off.

If only a few labels are needed, it may be easiest to click on Select Labels to Print, then check the desired items. (See how to adjust print position later in this video.)

Settings can be made on this page to select items for label printing. More than one 'filter' can be applied at the same time. For example, 'Quantity Greater than 0' will eliminate items not in inventory. 'Online Only' restricts labels to items that are uploaded for consignor view using BCSS Virtual. 'Buy Outright Only' eliminates all items that are not resale items. ' Category' will include only items in the selected category. ' Consignor' will include items only belonging to the person selected. 'Type', 'Style', 'Author' and 'Models' are User-Defined Groups and will likely be different or not present on your view of this page. Checking 'Date In' and entering From and To Dates will include only items which were entered into inventory during the time range designated.


Moving down the page, the printed labels can be sorted by the options shown here: Category, Consignor, Date In, etc., making it easier to match labels with items at hand. The Style of tag can be any of those shown in this section (except Thermal Labels). Ignore references to Thermal Styles and Sizes. After all filters have been set, click on Print Price Labels. If no settings were made, labels would be printed for every item. If all labels are to be printed, close the message window and click on Print Price Labels again. Otherwise, close the message window and adjust settings to print labels only for desired items. If 'Bar Codes on Sheets' is selected, clicking on Print Price Labels will present this screen: In BCSS, press F1 to open the User's Guide. Scroll down to Barcodes then Labels for details. Pressing 'Print Bar Codes With Filters' starts the process of printing only those labels that match the filters set. This screen will appear: The position of print on the sheet can be controlled by making changes on this screen. The default settings shown are recorded in the User's Guide for future reference. Increasing the Top Margin pushes all print down on the page without changing row spacing. Conversely increasing the Bottom Margin will push print up on the page. The first row will remain close to its original position and row spacing will be decreased.

Row Space is another way of increasing or decreasing the space between lines of print. If things get out of kilter, click on Reset Row Space to Default to start over. Increasing the Left Margin will push all print to the left. Most commonly print needs to be moved to the right. Sometimes very large negative numbers (like -750) are needed to get some models of printers to respond correctly. Increasing Right Margin will push all print to the left. It usually is not necessary to change the number of Columns from 3.

For a partially-used sheet of labels, count the number of labels that have been used. Feed the partial sheet with the used portion first. Enter the number of the next-available number in 'Start printing at this label #'. The program will print the first label on the next-available label.

Some printers have difficulty correctly feeding the slick end of a partial sheet. It might be more reliable to feed the unused end of the sheet and print a number of labels equal to the number of labels remaining on the sheet. Check 'Label Quantity = Inventory Quantity' to print labels for each item corresponding to the number of each item in inventory. If there are 10 pairs of the same set of jeans in stock, checking this box will print 10 labels. Click on 'Test Print' or 'Print'. They are the same.

A print preview screen will appear, displaying how the labels will be print providing an opportunity to add or delete items (by changing filters) and to change information on labels by editing item records.

If changes are needed, close the print-preview screen, change filters, edit item records and repeat the printing instructions.