Buy Sell Trade Software

Buy Sell Trade Software

Buy, sell, trade, auction, consign, rent, resell, thrift, layaway and fund raise with Best Consignment Shop Software. Priced way under similar programs with all the features. No prepayment for support. No monthly fees. One payment for lifetime use.


Purchases can be from individuals or entities (companies like suppliers, manufacturers, importers, craftsmen.

Purchases from individuals are entered in Best Consignment Shop Software as buy-outright items. Purchase prices can be records and the program will compute profit/loss from each sale.

Purchases from companies are tracked in BCSS as retail transactions under the 'House Account'.

Items that are donated or were previously owned by the shop owner are also entered as retail items (with no cost basis) in the 'House Account'.


Best Consignment Shop Software is a complete POS system with variables for categories, taxation and payment methods. Employees can be prevented from granting discounts at POS and from voiding sales.

At POS items may be added to the invoice by scanning barcodes, by selecting items from a pick list, by entering Item IDs and by typing in items that are not recorded in inventory.


Use BCSS to track your own inventory (shop inventory) and process trades.


Items auctioned locally or online can be tracked without the monthly expense of 'conventional' auction software. There is no integration with a website so no monthly fee. Integration is possible with websites.


Rentals can be entered in the program as inventory and sold. Date out, Date In and rent payment amount are recorded. A New Inventory Item can be designated as a Rental at time of entry or later. Rental Items are listed with a pink background for easier locating.

Resell is often synonymous with 'buy outright' and is usually the acquisition of used merchandise for the purpose of reselling the used items for profit.

Thrift and Fund Raising

Thrift and fund raising are somewhat the same in that inventory is donated to the organization (reseller). All donations are entered in the program with a zero cost basis and the 403C tax status provides tax-free funds to the business or charity.