Mall Software for Antiques Consignment & Flea Markets
No ongoing forever support fees!
Antique Mall Management Software
This mall manager accounting system is affordable and fair - guaranteed!
Pricing and features are tiered so small antique shop owners aren't forced to purchase a costly 'one-size-fits-all' program loaded with unneeded and unwanted features.
Payment for the software is once for lifetime use. No forever payments. If you were to close the antique mall and start again later on, or move to a new location, the software stays with you.
Prices are lower than competing antique mall programs because price hasn't been padded with prepayment for support.
There are no ongoing support payments. Instead, help is available when it is needed and payment is made at the time, at rates about half that of local computer services.
Software updates are free. (This is work done in the background by tech support to add new antique mall features and maintain the software code.)
The Virtual edition of this software allows antique vendors to view their account information (at on any device including cell phones.
Vendors can add inventory (to be downloaded to the mall's main computer).
Antique mall managers use this feature to increase income by charging a small monthly amount. (100 vendors each paying $3 = $300)
There's not much that software can do to help with fixed expenses like utilities, property taxes, insurance, employee wages, and the like, but software can help save money on things like credit-card charges and time spent on the phone answering repetitive questions like "What has sold?" and "What do you owe me?"
Pass Credit-Card Costs on to Vendors
At first blush, it might seem unreasonable if not detrimental to attempt to ask booth renters to share in the cost of processing credit-card transactions but when presented logically the concept should come through as fair and impartial. As the mall operator, you've borne the cost and done the legwork of establishing the equipment and software for accepting plastic payment and you continue to bear the risk of such transactions like chargebacks, annual and monthly fees, and the like, yet vendors benefit perpetually because accepting this form of remittance increases their sales. It's only fair that they should participate in the costs of taking payments in this form.
In BCSS Diamond and Virtual editions, a percentage can be set to be deducted from settling sales by credit card. (Where permitted, a % can also be added to credit-card sales, to be paid by those who make such purchases, but let's stick with vendors for now.) The deduction would not be made for other forms of payment like check and cash and it is 'taken' as a deduction against settlements of sales.
Any single vendor can be excluded from the charge permanently by flagging their account as exempt. Likewise, a surcharge added to sales can be removed at POS. These are valuable options to accommodate individuals who object to participating.
With our Virtual software, vendor data is uploaded to our server automatically and daily where vendors can log in (with usernames and passwords assigned by you) to view their account activity and balances. (The data is stored on a secured server for added security.) To view the format of the website, go to and use 1, 1, and consign for the user ID, Store ID, and Password.
On, to view a sample of data, click on 'YTD'. Note the link on the left named 'Enter Item'. Vendors can add their inventory online allowing you to download the inventory into Best Consignment Shop Software. They could also enter their items in spreadsheets and email those to you for import into the program. Some mall operators print price labels/tags for vendors (for free or for a fee).
Unsold vendor inventory can be entered into the program. Inventory belonging to you can be entered, including Cost of Goods, and the program will compute profit/loss for each item sold. Reports can be generated for any period of time (including daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and year-end).
If unsold inventory is entered, the program will assign barcodes which can be printed on price labels/tags and scanned at checkout. Otherwise, items being purchased can be entered on the new-sale screen and the owner of each item would be selected from a dropdown menu. (The program will auto assign an item ID number to each sold item designating the seller and the item # of the sold item.)
A free live tutorial is also available. With your permission, the program can be demonstrated on your computer while speaking with you. This might be preferable prior to purchase to assure your satisfaction before purchasing.
Software Boon or Boondoggle
The 'problem' with most software programs today is that software developers attempt to create a stream of income from their software users by claiming that software is a 'service' (SaaS: Software as a Service) which to them (but perhaps not to us) justifies continuing to pay for a software program which not long ago was available for a one-off cost. This sort of rationale is a boon for software providers and a boondoggle for software users.
Poor management decisions arise from the allure of a 'low start-up cost' - a low monthly rental payment to get started as compared to a (much) higher one-time cost to own the software. Rental? Yes: Monthly pay-as-you-go payments go on forever (and be sure to read the next paragraph about the hidden price trapping). If a low monthly payment is preferable to a one-time payment, ask the software vendor for financing options. Chances are the software is available in terms that meet your budget. Don't fall prey to the allure of "Only $99 to start!!!". Once you and your employees have paid the price in time and effort to learn one software program, you and they will be very reluctant to go through another learning curve after the exorbitant costs of monthly software becomes as annoying as mosquitos are to reindeer.
Clearly, a software provider could and would raise the monthly charge over time for using their software if the software subscriber wouldn't know to ask if the provider reserves the right to pump up the price later on. With no discussion prior to purchase, this barn door remains wide open and there's not a cow alive that can resist an open barn door. Frankly, any software vendor offering a program for a monthly installment is downright crooked if they don't have this conversation before luring people in with the low-price enticement. Ask the question, "Can you jack up the price once I'm in and the barn door gets locked?"
POS Hardware for Shopping Malls
'Hardware' refers to mechanical devices that are used in conjunction with software to perform tasks like printing (price labels and tags, receipts, rental and consignment agreements, checks, and reports), and scanning barcodes at checkout.
With our software, price labels and tags can be printed on plain paper or sheets of labels and tags using any standard black/white ink printer, or, with the Diamond and Virtual editions, on thermal labels and tags on rolls.
Barcodes on price labels are optional and can be scanned using most 1D (dimensional) or 2D barcode scanners.
Sales receipts can be printed on plain paper or on thermal receipt paper using the thermal label printer.
A cash drawer is a unit for storing valuables like cash, checks, and important documents. A drawer is typically attached to a receipt printer and opens when a receipt is printed. With our software, the drawer can be connected to the computer with a special adapter and can be opened with cash or credit card transactions.
Antique Mall Software Reviews
Do you live and buy by online reviews? Not so fast. Whether reviews are good or bad, they are mostly 'contrived' (deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously - created or arranged in a way that seems artificial and unrealistic). People selling antiques software have various ways of influencing, controlling, and abusing 'software reviews'.
Long before the majority of Internet users appeared, software businesses were already well-practiced in the art of making sales by disparaging competitors (with fake negative 'reviews'). As well businesses learned early on how to get positive online reviews. Here's some of the common practices still in use today:
Pay software customers to write reviews either through direct compensation or by granting discounts, reward points, gifts, etc.
Create fake user accounts (even at Facebook) for the sole purpose of writing good reviews for self and bad reviews for the competition.
Instead of relying upon reviews, demo the software and during the demo period, test the software vendor's ability to respond by communicating by your preferred methods (text, phone, email).
Websites that identify as 'antique software review sites' are also of questionable value. Most claim that they've conducted some kind of review of the software listed on their sites when in fact not one software program was downloaded, much less reviewed.
'Customer review sites' of antique software programs are bogus. Honestly, busy antique-mall operators don't sit down at their computers seeing 'write a review of my software' at the top of the to-do lists. Presumably, 8 out of 10 reviews are written by unhappy people and 8 out of 10 of them blame 'the software' without any proof that 'the software' was the issue. Websites like c-a-p-t-e-r-r-a and s-o-f-t-w-a-r-e-a-d-v-i-c-e and g-e-t-a-p-p are under the same ownership and the reviews are absolutely contrived. Rest assured that the majority of those 5-star reviews are bought and paid for.
Compare Antique Mall Software
The first-year cost of most software is just a fraction of what software costs will add up to over time but that is not true of all programs.
Here's a list of software vendors purporting to offer 'Antique Mall Software'. Many of them do not include rent tracking capability:
Anteq (out of business?) Antique Mall Accounting System Antique Soft Antiques SOS Bepoz Booth Tracker Cashier Live Data Management System Gift Logic GoAntiquing Homestead Mall Sales Manager Liberty4 Mall Master MicroBiz Quail Simple Consign Sintel Visual Mall Manager