Antique Inventory Resale and Consignment Software

Best Software processes purchases and sales of antiques as well as consignment and trades.

Local Antique Shops

Neighborhood locations find the most economical approach to computerization in single-pay software that installs on local computers. The one-off price keeps cost to a minimum and with any luck, software and hardware could last for several years, as in the case of Best Consignment Shop Software which has been around since 2001 and has serviced over 3,000 consignment, resale and antique shops.

Often heirlooms are purchased outright by antiques shop owners who hold them for appreciation and investment profit via resales. Is software vernacular this practice is known as 'buy outright' or 'resale'. Owners can record sellers of pieces in the program and refer to that information as needed.

There's a move across the nation to require second-hand dealers to report purchases to law enforcement. If a piece turns up as stolen, the shop owner could readily retrieve the seller's information in the program's database.

Online Antique Shops

At first perhaps online operators think of 'integration' when considering a software program - a direct connection with local computers and some online website or shopping cart. Thorough research will turn up lofty endless prices in today's software market for such a convenience.

Where there are relatively few items in inventory, integrated software doesn't save enough time or create sufficient conveniences to warrant the significant additional cost over a program that installs locally and requires only payment once.

User's of Best Software can export inventory and upload it to web destinations but primarily online inventory quantities are updated manually as sales occur.

Right: not as convenient as an integrated system but again, 'pay once for lifetime use'.

Artifacts Dealers

Dealers might have some special requirements for business computerization.

A feature touted by web-based providers of software is mobility. The sales slogan is "Work from anywhere!". But again, at what cost? $100 per month minimum? $1,200 year in and year out?

There are others ways of achieving mobility without breaking the budget:

  • Install one of those 'one-off payment programs' on your laptop and mobile away. Every aspect of business can be carried out 'on the road' at auctions, estate sales and closeouts.
  • Install a one-payment program on a desktop computer (anywhere) and access it remotely using any of the free programs for remote-pc access (Team Viewer, Logmein, Gotomypc...)

Trades or exchanges can also be transacted in Best Software including printouts of transactions.

Antique Furniture

Antique (or 'vintage') Suggests old age or 'ancient'. An 'antique' is anything that existed long ago, generally more than one hundred years.

In terms of furniture, objects need not be from ancient times to be considered antiques. Pieces dating back just 50 years could qualify if they are valued and sought after by collectors willing to pay to own them.

American antique furniture periods were Federal, Sheraton, American Empire, Shaker, Victorian, Arts and Craft, Traditional Revival, Art Nouveau, Modern and Post-Modern.

Antiques For Sale

Furniture pieces become collectibles over time as the number of original pieces disappear and/or the number of collectors seeking them increases.

The value of furniture antiques varies with the era. Traditional Georgian and Victorian furniture values have fallen considerably over the past several years

Selling antiques is big business. There's antique malls, shops, stores, auctions, galleries, warehouses and museums.

Antique Stores

'Stores' in English vernacular suggests larger size. Antique stores tend to be quite large with hundreds of inventory items and plenty of showroom space.

Antique Shops

'Shops' denotes a small size along the lines of 'boutique' - much smaller spaces and perhaps even smaller items.

Stores and shops are generally owned and operated by individuals who have experience in valuing pieces and spotting fakes.

Antiques Online

It would see that buying and selling antiques online is a precarious proposition. It is unfortunately true that the 'Internet' has crooks crawling out from under rocks looking to take advantage of trusting souls.

Buying and selling something tangible and large like furniture might best be served in a local market using online services to provide information and pictures.

Antique Furniture Software

Anyone who has been in the business of marketing antiques knows that there's a ton of information that gets jumbled very easily without organization and efficiency.

Software for buying and selling antiques identifies every piece uniquely, groups antiques by categories (defined by the antique dealer), prints labels and hang tags for point of sale, processes sales and generates reports about inventory, clients, sales, profit and loss. A more sophisticated furniture program (like Diamond edition) tracks rental spaces at antique malls. Each space is identified with renter, amount of rent, rent due date and a waiting list. Malls typically sell at POS for dealers and deduct rent from monthly settlements.

Best Consignment Shop Software FAQ (Not your usual 'FAQ')

The #1 Question: "Why Are Your Prices so Low?"

Quite simply, we want your business. It's just a matter of competition for market share. Maybe the 'real question' is the next one:

How Can You Keep Your Prices so Low?

1. Since our beginning in early 2001, our top search-engine rankings have provided 'free advertising' and plenty of traffic to our site, saving a considerable amount in advertising cost and assuring that most buyers of consignment software knew about us.

2. We are well managed and BCSS has strong financial backing. Earning a good reputation and cornering market share have been top priorities.

Is Your Low Cost a Reflection of a Poor Product?

Of course not. Just the opposite. As you'll see when using the demo, BCSS is beautiful! It's design brings functions and information to the surface within easy reach. It's powerful, reliable and clearly deserving of endorsement from Dell and Intuit (QuickBooks). Anything you may have heard to the contrary probably came from an unprofessional competitor trying to convince you that you should pay more (and annual fees) for similar software.

Why Should I Use BCSS?

Our competitors answer that question best. They copy our content, imitate our ideas, even infringe upon our name. Some stoop to slandering us in public. Why?

Basketball players often said that they found themselves standing aside watching Michael Jordan in amazement, knowing they would never be able to compete on his level.

Some vendors can't lower prices because of high overhead. Others think that getting a lot of money from one user is just as good as getting one-third as much from 3 users.

BCSS is simply, clearly the best choice - not because we say so, but because our customers, Dell Computers, Intuit, Google and all the top reputable online software review sites hold BCSS in high regard.

It Sounds Too Good to Be True

Software programs, costs and providers are in fact dramatically different. We've been asked many times, "What's the catch?". There isn't any. We simply have the means and opportunity to be extremely competitive. Our users enjoy the benefits and we can take pride in a good reputation.

Filter out the noise. Use the free and fully-functional demo. Form your own opinion and trust it. Trust us. There are no hidden fees or 'gotchas' after the money-back period. We provide a written Purchase Order prior to purchase. It is unlikely that you will have a problem with our software but if you do we will fix it at no charge.

If you are considering another program, ask for a written list of all fees and adverse provisions (including restrictions on reselling the software). If you get the run around, come back. We have nothing to hide; you have everything to gain and you will be more than welcomed.

Versatile Vestiges Software

Dealing in relics is often carried out on thin profit margins with long holding periods and fewer sales (as compared to other forms of inventory) so budgeting is particularly important to the bottom line.

Software offerings with lots of unneeded trappings are no match for a simple tool that gets the job done nicely but determine that for yourself with a free live demo prior to purchase, to assure that everything on your checklist is included. Call 888-427-5779 to speak to a person.